Chanel bag, but I know the first time, my first question is the difference between the classic Chanel flap handbags and Chanel Reissue 2.55 bags. Purseblog I found the article helpful in solving the problem if the same confusion that I follow. I think it will be super useful.
From the story:
The lock in the new edition is the original lock is called lock as Miss Ms Coco Chanel never married, block the "CC" was introduced to the classic flap bags only in the 1980s by designer Karl Lagerfeld. 2.55 in the name refers to the first version of the 2.55 bag in February 1955. Coco Chanel grew up in an orphanage / convent, therefore, the belt is double chain from the guardian of the child in the orphanage keys hang in size with the same type of strings in the new edition. In addition, the zipper on the cover of the new edition is out Coco took love letters while she was having an affair with time. The brownish-red interior is the color of Coco and the rest of the uniform of the child ("the nuns black suit with white: So, the packaging of Chanel Parfum / Eau de Parfum / Eau de toilette) The flap re outside of the very marked. Coco, to hide some extra cash!
Metal vs. interwoven leather, single flap vs. double flap and close - do not appear in front of blocking DC Over the years, many variations on the original draft of 2.55, we have included the leather / fabric, string -. The 2.55 refers to all the fin-style bags, such as variations of the original! The term classic flap commonly woven into the hatch with the closing and locking leather CC chain.
In February 2005 Karl Lagerfeld rebuilt the 2.55 - exactly as Coco Chanel had made in 1955 to commemorate the 50 th anniversary of 2.55. He became known as a remake. so this 2005 - Technically, the re-enactment term only for bags that were used in the commemoration of the original. However, it was comfortable and 2.55, which call for the original 2.55 2.55 reprints and all fins have similar blocking CC Classic.
From the story:
The lock in the new edition is the original lock is called lock as Miss Ms Coco Chanel never married, block the "CC" was introduced to the classic flap bags only in the 1980s by designer Karl Lagerfeld. 2.55 in the name refers to the first version of the 2.55 bag in February 1955. Coco Chanel grew up in an orphanage / convent, therefore, the belt is double chain from the guardian of the child in the orphanage keys hang in size with the same type of strings in the new edition. In addition, the zipper on the cover of the new edition is out Coco took love letters while she was having an affair with time. The brownish-red interior is the color of Coco and the rest of the uniform of the child ("the nuns black suit with white: So, the packaging of Chanel Parfum / Eau de Parfum / Eau de toilette) The flap re outside of the very marked. Coco, to hide some extra cash!
Metal vs. interwoven leather, single flap vs. double flap and close - do not appear in front of blocking DC Over the years, many variations on the original draft of 2.55, we have included the leather / fabric, string -. The 2.55 refers to all the fin-style bags, such as variations of the original! The term classic flap commonly woven into the hatch with the closing and locking leather CC chain.
In February 2005 Karl Lagerfeld rebuilt the 2.55 - exactly as Coco Chanel had made in 1955 to commemorate the 50 th anniversary of 2.55. He became known as a remake. so this 2005 - Technically, the re-enactment term only for bags that were used in the commemoration of the original. However, it was comfortable and 2.55, which call for the original 2.55 2.55 reprints and all fins have similar blocking CC Classic.